Monday 30 November 2015

What I am going to do in Gill's lesson

I intend to Draw out various weaponry for the cards that I am making, this will take all lesson and I do not know what I wish to draw specifically yet.

Thursday 26 November 2015

What game's salad has taught me.

Game's Salad has taught me that I can create basic yet at the same time intricate mobile games without much difficulty, the main problem being a feasible idea.

I started work on a left to right space shooter with power ups and a currency type points system that will make up for the games scoring.

I intend to also add a distance meter though this will only be aestetic and have no real use in the game.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Devil may Cry

Devil may Cry

Devil may Cry is directed by Hideki Kamiya and produced by Hiroyuki Kobayashi.

Devil may Cry is a level based adventure styled based on sword play and a ranking system ranging from the letters (in ascending order) D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS. The main protagonist "Dante" is a half human/half demon along with his twin brother Vergil.
With his twin pistols "Ebony and Ivory" and his sword larger sword and a half broadsword "rebellion".
Dante has used many weapons throughout the games and as such has a multitude of weaponry available for the jobs he undertakes, ranging from standard firearms and blades to weapons created and manipulated by hell and it's forces.

On the left is a list showing all the usable ranged weapons through out the five games, and on the right is the multitude of  blades and melee weapons, Dante's melee weapons include his standard rebellion which he takes on most of his missions and he normally finds new weapons either taken from demons or given to him from defeated enemies, one rare weapon is "Sparda" the sword of Dante's legendary dark knight father of which whom he shares the same name as his sword.

Throughout the Devil may Cry games Dante visits many areas, from the demon ravaged Mallet Island, to the vivd and bright cult ruled castle town of Fortuna

Thursday 19 November 2015

Today I will be working on refining the paint work on the three characters I already have that way I have some work finished by the end.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Carson drew it.

Carson from ""

He uses a unique style of work which I admire greatly.
The drawings you see on the left are drawings Carson drew from the game Darksouls.

The golden knight is called Paladin Leeroy and the Iron Clad knight is called Black Iron Tarkus.

I like his work as he uses a unique style to represent many characters that I have come to know and respect.

I don't know how I can use this as inspiration but the unique style is commendable and I intend to create my own unique style in my own work.